Monday, February 15, 2010

My Interview with Spandy Andy

A few weeks ago, I interviewed Spandy Andy. I wasn't able to upload the interview onto my computer, but it finally worked.

Who is Spandy Andy?
Spandy Andy is a street performer in his early 20's who dances around Yaletown and on the corner of Granville and Robson.

I must say, I am a fan of him. When I interviewed him he was very friendly, and he taught me some dance moves. If anyone can pull off neon spandex, it's Mr. Spandy Andy.

Since this was my first interview, I was shaking. Sure this guy was no Michael Phelps (HE WAS ACTUALLY BETTER) or some big athlete, but i was still nervous. And I usually don't get nervous, so this was definitely something big.

Here is my Interview with him! Thanks to my fellow reporter, Emily for filming it and saving my interview with a question when I got stuck. Also, if you want to check out Emily's blog go to - You can also see the blogs of all our reporters.

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